Annual Meeting Minutes June 15, 2021

League of Women Voters of Melrose

Call to Order
A quorum of 10 attended the remote meeting via zoom.
Review and Adopt Nonpartisan policy (annual requirement)
Anne DeSouza Ward read non-partisan policy
Motion to adapt, seconded; unanimous vote for adoption

Report of the Year’s Activities
Anne Read the Report of the Steering committee (see separate report posted)

Report of the Treasurer
Change in Fiscal Year
Motion to approve change fiscal year to calendar year was unanimously approved.
Motion to approve Proposed budget was unanimously approved
It was noted that a dues notice should go out to members for ½ year’s dues ($37.50 for members, $50 for sustaining members) right away for the end of 2021. In January 2022, our new fiscal year will begin and we will bill members for a full year of dues on 1/1/2022 and every year thereafter.

Steering Committee elections—2-year term
The new Steering Committee was elected.
June 2021 -June 2023

  • Heather Doyle: Treasurer
  • Susan Baron
  •  Maureen Elia
  •  Gail Infurna
  •  Louise Mason
  •  Joyce Zeiner

It was agreed that Louise and Heather will meet to transfer the bank account information and paper work this week. Anne DeSouza Ward will also continue to act as Communications coordinator with the membership and liaison to the state league.

Goals for the Coming Year — Directions to Steering Committee
Indoor/Outdoor meetings, summer 2021 and beyond

  •  It is a goal to resume meeting with the Mayor by March or April 2022.
  •  Try to schedule an in-person members meeting if circumstances permit in the late summer or early fall this year. This could be the August planning meeting.
  • League Archives digital conversion, storage
    Diana Ainsworth is willing to work on this project. She knows the owners of Boston Scanning in Wakefield and might be able to get their help with the scanning.
    Joyce Zeiner, Susan Baron, June Cuttino, and Maureen Elia agreed to help with this project.
  • Joan Moore Scholarship – Eileen Hamblin said that there may be people ripe to take advantage of this. There might have been people that put off schooling during the pandemic. It was agreed that financial resources are not the primary criterion for the scholarship, and most members liked the suggestion to modify the application by removing financial information and asking applicants to write a short paragraph about themselves, what they are studying and how they would use the scholarship help.
  • Voter registration and Membership:
    • Victorian Fair will be held this year and we should be there. We are reminded to bring membership applications at every event.
    • Look into Farmer’s Market setup for voter registration and League membership applications.
  • Anne DeSouza Ward will coordinate the use of this site for voter information in the fall elections, and seek volunteers to help her. It is still unclear what in-person events will be held, so online information will be crucial.

Adjournment 8:20pm