Message to Members, March 2019

It was wonderful to be part of the gathering that Susan Baron hosted on February 10, and celebrate the League’s history and mission in Melrose after 70 years. Thank you again, Susan, for your generosity and hospitality as host.

It was helpful for us to get together and discuss League activities and goals in light of how things have changed since the League’s inception, and we all agreed we should strive to do this more often.

The next time we will all be together as members will be the meeting with the Mayor on Wednesday, April 17, at 7 pm, at 543 Lynn Fells Parkway, so mark your calendars for that date. All members and their guests will be welcome that evening too, as we discuss the state of the City and have a question and answer session with our Mayor. It will be after the special election for the override, so it will be particularly interesting to discuss what comes next after the outcome of the vote.

March activities update:
The informational panel on the override question we had hoped to sponsor has been cancelled. The organization in favor of the override declined to participate, in favor of using its resources in other ways, so the plan to host a question and answer forum with them and representatives of the opposition organization has been abandoned.

The annual Day on the Hill sponsored by the state League will be held at the State House in October this year, rather than the spring. Further information will be available when it is scheduled.

We are holding a voter registration drive at the high school in March. The drive will be held in Melrose High School cafeteria during all lunch periods on Monday, March 11, and Tuesday, March 12

As noted above, the annual Meeting with the Mayor will be in April, and we’ll hope to see everyone at that time.