Message to Members November 2019

Greetings members!  We hope you are keeping warm these days.

Your league is happy to report that we were the top fund-raising team at the Candlelight Vigil and Walk for the Melrose Alliance Against Violence last month.  What a great tribute to all the League members that have had a hand in establishing and supporting this organization, and especially the memory of Anna Bastian. Thanks to all for your support.

We did offer rides to the polls on Election day, but we did not have any requests for rides this year.  We have to assume that voters had a lot of options for rides if they needed them this year.  There were so many candidates, and each campaign was offering rides, in addition to the usual rides for seniors from many residence complexes.

We are planning to collaborate with some high school students to offer a voter registration drive at the high school in March, and we will seek volunteers as soon as the dates are set for that.  There is a lot of interest in voting by young people and we are happy to support efforts to get them registered.

As you know, we plan to publicize and celebrate the fact that women have been allowed to vote for 100 years this coming year, and we are working on collaborating with the library on a display, as well as donating books on women’s suffrage to the schools.  We also hope to do some public events and maybe a commemorative video on the topic in the coming months.

New Bulletin:

You may have been working on the free on-line HarvardX course that is being offered through the Commission on Women this month.  Member Karen Smolens has done most of the course and reports it is really worthwhile and fascinating.  The course is called “Women Making History” and the flyer is attached again for all the details.

There was a Community Forum scheduled for November 19, 2019  as a culminating event, featuring the project leader from HarvardX, April Opoliner, but that Forum has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict. We’ll keep you updated on the new date for the Forum, but meanwhile, there is still time to experience some or all of the on-line course.